Our newest idea is bearing fruit: the sponsor-a-birth program!
Two nights ago we attended the first of many sponsored births to come! The first sponsor was my mother, thank you so much!
Silvia and her husband are a young couple that was having their second baby. She had had the first baby at the national hospital and did NOT want to go back there.
She labored quickly and easily and gave birth without a tear to a beautiful 7.8 lbs baby girl named Elisabeth. Emily Kate, one of our interns was present, as well as Natasha who is taking pictures for our website. They arrived Just on time.
They were very happy with their experience and the husband donated the 400Q he had been able to save up for their birth to the clinic. Here a picture of Silvia and Elisabeth:
Do you have a website link for the sponsor a birth program so that I can post it for my friends?
Or do you have a PayPal button you could share?
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